Planning Commission

The Planning Commission for the town of Keller serves as the local commission comprised of five citizens members (including one member of Town Council and one administrative employee of the Town) which operates as an advisory body and provides direction about future town growth and development. The specific composition of this commission is governed by §15.2-2212 of the Code of Virginia (see link below). The Planning Commission’s main role is help ensure the orderly and planned development of the town. This role includes:

  • Preparing and recommending a Comprehensive Town Plan;

  • Developing and recommending a Capital Improvement Plan; and

  • Providing recommendations to the Council for matters involving land use.




Per §15.2-2212 of the Code of Virginia, a local planning commission shall consist of not less than five nor more than fifteen members, appointed by the governing body, all of whom shall be residents of the locality, qualified by knowledge and experience to make decisions on questions of community growth and development; provided, that at least one-half of the members so appointed shall be owners of real property. The local governing body may require each member of the commission to take an oath of office. One member of the commission may be a member of the governing body of the locality, and one member may be a member of the administrative branch of government of the locality.

The term of each of these two members shall be coextensive with the term of office to which he has been elected or appointed, unless the governing body, at the first regular meeting each year, appoints others to serve as their representatives. The remaining members of the commission first appointed shall serve respectively for terms of one year, two years, three years, and four years, divided equally or as nearly equal as possible between the membership. Subsequent appointments shall be for terms of four years each. The local governing bodies may establish different terms of office for initial and subsequent appointments including terms of office that are concurrent with those of the appointing governing body. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term only.

Per §15.2-2210 of the Code of Virginia, all localities are required to create a local planning commission. The Commission serves in an advisory role to the Town Council to help promote the orderly development of the Town. The Commission’s duties include preparing and recommending a Comprehensive Plan, preparing, and recommending a Capital Improvement Program, and providing a recommendation to the Council for a variety of land use matters. These include:

  • Conditional Use Permits (CUP) include uses that might have impacts to adjoining properties, and therefore, the Commission may recommend conditions on how that use may be conducted. The Council has broad discretion to either approve a permit request with conditions to ensure the use is compatible with the surrounding area or to deny the permit request.

  • Zoning Text Amendments are changes to the text of the zoning ordinance. Changing the text of the ordinance might change which uses are permissible in a certain zone, what acreage or setbacks are required in a certain zone, or any number of additional land use regulations that might apply the Town.

  • Zoning Map Amendments (rezoning) are changes to the zoning district map of the Town. Changing the zoning district in which a parcel lies changes what uses can and cannot be conducted on that parcel and the development density of the parcel.

In each of the applications, the Commission makes a recommendation to the Town Council based on the materials in the application, citizen input, and the Comprehensive Plan.